Bobby Dodd Stadium Parking

Please enter the below address into your cars satellite navigation system to make your journey easier:
177 N Avenue NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Note that traffic nearing Bobby Dodd Stadium is often busier than normal around the time of popular events. Plan accordingly!

Many of the parking lots on East Campus convert to Game Day Parking Permits to make way for buses, RVs, and large tailgating setups. Be sure you have secured parking areas for your guests that are valid on game day and provide plenty of space options.

Fans are allowed to park in all non-residential campus parking areas (areas that are coded with ‘E’ or ‘W’) in Georgia Tech on game days. Parking for one car is at $12, including a $2 service fee.

Bus/RV/Oversized Vehicle Parking is located at 10th St and Hemphill. Cash rate at the game is $60. However, if you reserve the parking earlier, it will only cost $35.40, including all applicable fees & taxes.

Parking Rules:

For all stadium parking in Georgia Tech, kindly visit the University’s official website for more information.

Nearest off-campus parking to the stadium according to distance: